Chaotic BeINenerGy: Divine Spark of Sekhem :)
This is what happen’s when you set chaotic energy free……. Still I love and am one with All … ♥
The path of the Most High is most often walked alone, So why do we fight to be part of something when we are already in ALL ..
BeINenerGy (NTP)
- When the meek get a position following anyone elses rules they get weak and forever will strive to keep the position living someone elses dream but our own. If on the same path as you keep focused on your vision , whatever you do create your own rules and regulations with the most highest vibrations , with the most purest intentions ( NTP)
- Religion? now depends on our perception of rulers .. be it , yourself or of others views .. a leader or a follower. However I see religion like A rainbow colour spectrum . this is created by a root source of divine light angled towards a prism to divide the root source of light into different colours (NTP)
- Sharing of energies is much more powerful if we first give, then take , then give back and so on , sharing multi dimensional in more than one direction takes practice but is possible .. Remembering to appreciate the purer forces and discarding the forces that only come to take . checking ourselves at all times to make sure we are only taking what we are prepared to give .. . xXx Great principles in this movie ..
- To much thinking sometimes creates delays ,, I am just going to go for it, if i do wrong I will correct it quick, if I do right I will flow good (NTP)
- I did not directly come to bring change . I represent change. I came to bring balance , It’s the balance that will bring changes .. ( NTP)
The school of life is our greatest teacher .many doctrines, religions , all walks of life and nature is my teacher. our life experiences is what guides us onto different paths and determines how long we stay on that path .. the lower and negative the vibrations the wider the path .. I am walking a tightrope with all focus on balance .. BeINenerGy
A REMINDER: for when we are too much on a high, we should remember in order to maintain the balance, we should remember the opposite end exists!!! MaaT !! (NTP)
- We should give thanks for the moments in any connection when in truth, even if it is for a moment , or 10 years , or a lifetime.. everything happens for a good reason, especially when you stay pure with intentions and continue the path of righteousness. Keep the Balance! Keep the Focus, Be-in-G.. MaaT xXx (NTP)
- I am human , and not always can everyone be positive and high in ascension ,, without knowing the lows and depths of despair. Its all relative ( NTP)
- ( advice to a friend ) In life you help people , it is rarely the same people that help you back , sometimes in life you have been helped by people and might not get the chance to help them back , but don’t worry , someone else will help them .. if someone helps you and they leave you feeling like you owe them , then they really have not helped you at all (NTP2010)
- we are people that are always there to lend a had but we suffer in silence when we are hurt the most— we get to a point of not trusting anyone we have never felt a part of anything so when we go to heal , we heal alone thats just our way ~ NTP
- We just have to take control of the energies and what we give power too. We do simply have to be who we are .. the only thing constant is change so we should grow and move , evolve with change.. to do nothing is easy, and simple and should be taken in consideration at the right time, just like we know when is the right time to do what we have to do to bring about that change,
- We all are Gods and Goddesses, its just how much we come in tune with them on this plane of existence , that will determine where we travel to in the after life (NTP)
- We are to remain open to all schools of thought , both positive and negative , schools that make sense to schools that do not , our choices of accepting or disregarding information, energies and vibrations tells us where we stand at this moment in also enables us to measure the distances and polarity in order to maintain the balance within self. (NTP)
- We are naturally drawn to a like mind, and finally feel sane when we connect with someone that knows what you’re talking about and able so respond accordingly…for these are testing times …..~NTP~
- Seek knowledge, wisdom is achieved even on your deathbed we can not possibly know it All ,the only vibration that create immortality is if you leave your mark for the world to know truth, just like the pyramids, 1000’s of years later we speak of the names and come to the roots , how deep and how high these vibrations go. immortality is of the mind, for as long as you are remembered, you are immortal . .. ( NTP)
- True representation of divinity is only recognised in others when first it is recognised in self. (N.T.P 2010)
- Faith without knowledge is blind . but even the blind man see’s past his limitations.. ..( NTP )
- To know if we can represent anyone and if anyone can represent we , we have to get to know them and they have to get to know we , Team WE, But first we must know our self .. To know if we can represent anyone and if anyone can represent we , we have to get to know them and they have to get to know we , Team WE,
- But first we understand, overstand , we learn to innerstand before we are outstanding in our energy and divine sparks we share. we learn to stand side by side with all other like minded beings until our time comes where we can sit and rest knowing all our missions are completed and can live on in the next generation . ( NTP )
Humanity as a whole are relative all are one.. we all see feel the cause and effect with all the present destruction. unification upon the foundation of truth this the only. ledge to build on, through all the worlds to strive, we must stay strong.. stay true to the mission, in righteousness , it could never be wrong, everyone, significant and aim to fill their position. for this world in divide you all (individual) we will not last very long .. when we realize all is relative , we realize all is one .. lets continue on .. xXx (NTP)
- why is there a need to cheat ,
when in the first place we are one..
connected together almost complete,
knowing where we all come from ,..
why is it that no-one cares when as a species
we are all connected,
when wrong doings from one to another ,
has all humanity affected ..
We have to give thanks for the moments in any connection in truth, even if it is for a moment , or 10 years , or a lifetime.. everything happens for a good reason, especially when you stay pure with intentions and continue the path of righteousness. Keep the Balance! Keep the Focus, Be-in-G.. (NTP)
- ~ Inner Peace ~ even in the craziness of life I seek refuge within self for there is all the answers .. my choice is to care , even for the careless .. all energies I accept for full value and consideration, respect each energy/degree has its place on the grand scale of all. we wonder why we have no place and them remember its because we are all ..( NTP )
- The Wisest of Mortals have experience within themselves a simple fact that universal law is the greatest good , the greatest beauty, the greatest love and the greatest wisdom that man can know ..
- law does not exist to circumscribe or limit the activity of anyone. Law exist to permit and sustain the external unfoldment of life ….
- Only those that knows what it’s like to feel hungry are passionate enough to be able to help someone else who has hunger pains eat.. .. everyone else just wants to tick the boxes to maintain their banquets and high status’s. NTP BeINenerGy
- ~ Inner Peace ~ even in the craziness of life I seek refuge within self for there is all the answers .. my choice is to care , even for the careless .. all energies I accept for full value and consideration, respect each energy/degree has its place on the grand scale of all.
- In my own personal view there are words that contain positive energies, when we learn to radiate those energies from the words those words become keys that will unlock open doors to enable us to continue our path and reach the most highest energy both internal and external from self.
- Once the decision is made to make the first step there is no going back, only down if we fall from this path.. and down is not an option when in a time where the focus is upliftment and raising our spiritual ascension not just for self but for others too. NTP
- Volunteering for me it is a spiritual path, with a major variety of life experiences and the fact we are still standing , I have flipped those experiences into skills to enable me to help others, where we are no longer a victim of circumstance. ♥
- I have found the place where I can represent myself and the organisations I present too and I know when 1 becomes to and 2 becomes WE this becomes Unity, and we we are no longer alone in this struggle. NTP♥
- EYE have to see to believe and if EYE cannot see in the physical or through my third eye , Eye have trouble believing anything ?? EYE have to know for me to stand firm on that foundation .. All I know is I am walking the Most Highest path and doing my best in life to succeed while BeINenerGy , A Spiritual BeIN<G> having a human experience striving for positive outcomes and change. NTP
- A moment of weakness might have just messed me up still. lest I be judged ? time will tell .. I pray to the most high to protect, advice and guide me through this storm and madness .. to a point I can focus myself to think and then know .. there is no storm or madness. Only me on this path we call life . 🙂 ♥ (NTP)
- we cannot change people , or force people to see the things the way we do. All we Can do is inspire people to use their 3rd eye and see/feel/connect even with our vision, perception, reason and purpose.
- ~ All Encompassing .. ~ Together we are the pieces of that puzzle in life and once we come together ~ We are the solution. (NTP)
- imagine if our children know now .. what took us 20+ years to find out for ourselves
Imagine if they were taught the universal laws , and the laws of attraction
if they we taught the freedom and the power of their own mind . and taught the quantum entanglement of all who we are and how every form of life is connected on the grand scale of all, Humility towards Humanity too ♥
- I am BeINenerGy 🙂 A star on a mission ,, 🙂 and always just like you dont always see the stars . you might not think in the moment but when you do see them. you are reminded that they always been there .. just as you dont see me certain times ,, does not mean I am gone .. for as long as the Sun’s keep shining, I shall always know my position 🙂 N.T.P
- In each other and self , we search for the right decision, the path, the right mission .The most highest of ALL in ALL , united we rise , divided we fall . A post of Platinum at the end of the Rainbow , but in unity together WE create that so!! . the light from within, from darkness it came, like the birth of a star or a moth to a flame .. when you shine also I know your there, And I thank you for taking the time to share, , to reflect, to absorb, to radiate. to be, same divine energy bringing a vibration for guidance sake. Connecting with ALL in ALL of like mind. we are the rainbow we try hard to find .. In side me and you and all united as we. shine that rainbow of unity ♥ I give thanks for your energies that sparked mine . I give thanks for the now! in the hands of time … It’s Time … 🙂 (NTP)
- Sometimes when we feel we are most,alone is when we,realise we are connected to all spiritually . No phone, no internet the only medium is being true to self while in the all ..htp xXx Peace (NTP)
- Inside the light of consciousness I see all in all and all is connected to all .. on the spectrum of positive to negative of all scales that create the tool we measure our self by. The polarities each having its vertex of energy that connects to all and in fact shapes us to the being we represent by our choice to identify with each energy point. ~ We have the capacity to connect to every degree in between the energy points but when we reach the pinnacle of those energy points we have the power to enter a vortex that will take us through to another domain no matter if our energy is positive or negative. We enter a realm created by our intentions. We become the particles in the air that can manifest by vibrations and frequencies according to the environment we surround ourselves in. These particles can shape our being and also become connected to other energy beings that have aligned in that environment by travelling on a journey connected in quantum to align at the same energy point.
- In this state we have the power within us to become God. The ruler and creators of our own manifestation of self, our environment, our matter, our purpose I could go on.
With this knowledge there will always be that scale of positive and negative according to intentions and what frequency each intention vibrates on.
The light of consciousness is a channel for alignment. In order for light to be known as light we must have known the darkness. The light of consciousness can only be born out of the darkness, even the spectrum of light has its polarities on every level, its power points, its vertex’s and vortexes A vertex is the point of alignment and a vortex is the particles being in alignment that has the capacity to astral travel to another realm, A multi dimensional being that can manifest in all environments, or the environment of the point of energy the particles of our being has attached itself to or indeed has come from according to a DNA. Our DNA has a magnetic code that allows us to identify with each energy point, the more we identify the more we have the capacity to become able to astral travel home.
- The difference being on this ascension is the ability to become the light from within and channel or the submissive being that only identifies to what others shine light upon believing that is all that exists .. The difference is those that use their minds and those who do not. It takes energy and consistency to think, our energies are being drained in every moment. Though there are forces that feed our energy to ascend and forces that drain us rendering us to weak to think and there are negative forces that would beg for our attention that consume our power of thought to distract us from channelling our light. Ironically for some people it is in these moments of our despair our spirit being rises from the ashes of the fire that almost consume us completely to great heights of consciousness.
Remembering the spectrum of life, this can also be positive and negative.. at each energy point beings come through to our existence and beings from this existence travel to theirs . or indeed house our beings to bring forward an energy that needs to be radiated to the existence we live in , in the moment .. Channelling…. To be continued .. (NTP)
- I am a mother, a parent and I know what it means to completely sacrifice my entire being for the upliftment of my children, to teach, to nurture , to learn my self from many perspectives so that I may teach my children to learn so my children will grow, know, learn and stand on their own square to build their circle consciously. In every moment and every movement In each step forward, a step higher is for them.. and if I trip up , I get up, live and learn to do better and keep it moving onwards and upwards.. Those who want the nation to rise up, we got to learn to teach and teach to want to learn, show an example so others will want to learn too..I am a mother.. who loves my children with every fibre of my being with all my energy I would do anything for the positive advancement of my children, our children, your children. all children are my children.. They are all our future, they are all one and we are their parents.. I love all children just the same as if they were my own.. If any child was hurt I would mother them and nurse them back to health. If any child was crying I would wipe their eyes and lift their spirits to see a smile again. If any child was hungry I would feed them If any child had a positive and conscious ambition I would support that and do all I can to help all children and treat all their parents who share the same divinity and consciousness exactly the same ~ Family ~ …19.I will never treat a child different from my own, I will never treat any of their parents different from how I treat myself. The Most Highest Respect With All of the Most Highest Intentions of Raising a Conscious Generation That Will Bring Forward The Next.. In our lifetime we could see this world change for the better.. for all, in all and by all ~ As One ♥ Unity xXx Love ♥
- ~ONE ♥~
- Time is relative to the moment with in every moment meaning NOW.. However time should not be taken for granted or assumed that we have the next day to complete a task.. seek change.. or rebuke our sins. or elevate ourselves according to peace, love and oneness, with, for and by each other. In each and every moment we should live right according to the Most High inside self. Many of us have connected or been selected to have had the ability to spark and awaken, to become activated .. every one of us has the capacity not just to be the one, but to unite and live righteous As One~. Each BeINenergy is Significant towards the upliftment of HUmanity..For those who are seeking, Inside self they will find , and in this moment they will find their spiritual family that are connected on quantum levels.. as standing for positive works on the ground. Revealing truth and perceiving the future as a result.. Change is needed if intervention is not NOW.. ? .. For whatever you stand for in the love of ALL as One. Activate and become Activists ..We need not to define ourself if we align ourself and refine ourself whilst seeking our purpose in life. We just know there are many wrongs and WE are many people. We all have a reason to stand for the injustices in life.. We stand by the universal laws of oneness, incorporate the metaphysics and are in alignment with academics all over the globe, coming from many theories and perspectives and have blueprints to the solutions if everyone can see , feel and live sound right reasoning.. facts and right knowledge..Learning to live with for and by each other is learning to live as one now< organic principles of wisdom channelled through many mediums all sparked by one divine root source.. all pays tribute to sources and energy from where we came from, our experiences and our ability to stay on the right path or our strength to stand in the first place.. on this path all the dot’s will connect and our unity will be our vessel ..(NTP)
- Why does the plight for unity seem like a constant battles of egos? With so many people, With so many beautiful energies doing their own thing is good , but ask those people to come together for the greater good of all and it turns into a battle of the gods .. Everyone wanting to be the Most High.. yet the Most High comes in many names .. and 99 of them can be named .. This does not mean it is a full and comprehensive list .. as each and every one of us who have the capacity to connect with the divine source have the potential to be Gods because they have the potential to create change and make a difference within their local environment, thus when in unity has the capacity to change the world ( NTP) my heart is saddened at witnessing all the potential going to waste.. Stand on your square, build your circle and collaborate with others willing to stand also, giving full value and consideration for the other divine being that stands with you in your company and the value that you too are in theirs.. ~As Equals ~ As One in ALL .. (NTP)
- Love is on my mind today,, indeed it is every day but in particular I have been connecting with the positive energies that have been shared here and I am humbled in every moment when it is recognized we are all on a learning curve .. As we strive for perfection, or to perfect ourselves on the most highest mission we are challenged and our connections to the divine source is tested.. This is life on earth .. whether you are a spiritual being having an earthly experience or an earthly being having a spiritual experience , the fact is the physical body can limit us sometimes as we get tested on hour journey .. the key is to keep rising above the negativity whilst remaining humble always when we recognize self in others as we are one ~ (NTP)
- Those that see truth recognises truth…… or its just common sense yet that is also still yet to be defined 🙂 the question is then ” defined by who’s perspective” especially when some people are too set in their ways to accept another perspective,, takes up too much energy, the same energy that those who recognises truth radiate to share , give power too with an open with infinite possibilities .. when one is in charge of their own destiny one can achieve what the mind can conceive, and yet its true one can be true and loyal to a core belief systems from many perspectives, one just has to go universal.. on this path one will recognise themselves in others as one in all become one.. anyway ! divinity will recognise divinity even in each other in alignment with universal laws, physics, science, maths, esoteric systems, truths and right knowledge down to the core, to the roots. As Above, So Below.. <G> ♥ if someone is a positive person, humanitarian, environmentalist, representative of their BeINenerGy with those core beliefs, walks with clean hands and good heart and pure intentions with for and by ALL then who is to challenge? …certain facts or sound right reasoning? could be presented, backed up by keys in the timeline, but in this day one has to find the time to think for themselves and rise with energies that become the wind beneath their wings xXx ~ As One ~ Our unity will be our vessel ♥ (NTP)
- A Powerful message radiated PERFECTLY .. is what I have been promoting for the longest time 🙂 Big Smiles .. Please share everywhere 🙂
- The reason why certain energies don’t make it to your future, is because there is an energy waiting for you there that is soooo much more compatible. xXx let the past go, keep it moving .. I know one’s heart aches and be heavy for a while, but the reality is Beautiful beings that still have the capacity to love even with all the broken pieces are indeed deserving of sooo much more.. they are deserving of someone who align and connect , can resonate and communicate and be ~ AS ONE ~ xXx (NTP 2012)
- We are on a mission to elevate and grow and everything is clicking like clockwork .. moving ‘n’ grooving .. elevating and growing .. then there are negative energies in the works, ? does one incorporate those negative energies as part of the elevation process which is really un necessary or does one remove the negative energy.. is just an analogy . from when I realize ones energy is not positive .. then I cannot sit in the council ..
any energies but positive in my council/circle will have its effects that is disagreeable to my being .. I am too sensitive to allow them to remain .. otherwise I absorb that energies because I am open to receive ..
I have to be careful because it affects me to the core …
I will not shut myself down .. I remain open .. I just become more thorough in who I allow into my space ..
Simple Logics .. xXx (NTP)
- We have to become active in order to activate the lives we really want to achieve .. even on our journey we can teach others to activate them selves by inspiring them also that they can actively change their entire existence simply by just changing their mind .. NTP 🙂 Inspired and Fused with the energies shared with activated beings and those that have it naturally in their heart to care and inspire guide and empower others to do the same .. Greetings to all .. Whatever we tell ourselves we are correct .. so be sure we tell ourselves positive things .. we WILL be correct .. and if ever we think “Impossible” Think I aM Possible . Live that energy and just go with the transition .. 🙂 All Intentions are pure same way .. (Just Sharing Energies xXx) (NTP)
- everything is every thing from the grand scale of all things .. right or wrong , polar opposites are the spec on the spectrum. ignorance have no favorites . the energy tec everyone who feed into it … knowing rhe 360/720 exists from every perspective .. live, feel , be and radiate who you/we are ..change . oneness. difference we create . it is what it is and we on the frontline doing what has to be done against pressures and inequity.. no need for confusion we on a roll and keep it moving .. working till everyone wakes up and smells the coffee ..everything becomes clear when we stand out the boxes and re realize all is an illusion of our mind and we are the rulers and creators of our own destiny .. everything is a matter of choice and what we give energies too .. some vbez are not worth is when there is more sacred energies to be shared and radiated for the upliftment on another ones mind ..from ones perspective one can state a case that can only been see as proof ,, generically .. universally and as one love.. put that on everything , polar opposites create a balance somewhere .. and without one the other would not exist // negativity has their time .. it is time now for true vibrations to stand up and shine .. in this moment the time is always NOW ( NTP)
- we all holding on and standing firm keeping it moving.. maintaining balance and equilibrium .. We all going through change and growth , things sent to test us along our way.. rising above it is the answer always .. however life brings us back to earth and we still have to get through.. I give thanks to hear from all of you to know we still connected and holding up the torch .. A thought has gone out to all with love always to the family , sending strength I had to summon from within to send out and radiate to all as this is true life experiences from grass roots level connected from organic principles A.A.A Logical ..Sometimes we have to go into solitude to align with self .. as I mentioned before our power is summoned from the soul but it starts with a thought process .. The cog-native black box between the two nerve endings inside the spark of thought .. xXx in that moment we are ever powerful to align our thoughts into manifestation .. just got to trust ,recognise, and stay true to your visions of prosperity, growth , unity , development, and change << and all those energies will stay true to you.. :)In our alignments with all and with self we become more powerful than the strength we need in harsh moments.. the more we find ourselves calling for strength in life , in that moment we need to rise above it, and take it to the black, dark matter, cog-native black box, when we rose above it, in the process we create a new level possible that needs strength to focus and initiate it .. this creating balance , indeed sharing energies with each other ..from my perspective I analyse everything in energies , tones and vibrations , it takes everything universal and generic to a point every energy being who can Feel and recognise these levels of energies tones and vibrations on any frequency knows why we are all ~ As One in ALL :)I think these life storms can have us all out in life, forced to see perspective , but thats a good thing . especially when the connection remains strong across the spectrum :)Sending strength to those that are having their moments of solitude while they strive to maintain their own equilibrium , I hope they find the strength to reconnect on the principles that inspire , spark, motivate and activate the essence of their being to their full potential. We will always be connected but any time tones will be welcome just to say ,, they too are still holding up the flags on principles lessons , juggling on a survival story makes for an interesting debate but we all busy building on many levels .. making our contributions maintaining the communication is the first point of call .. then sharing in testiment. It is an intention to get through and remain strong to a point I can channel and build .. building now on the foundation of all I intend to bring to the table when I am able to come in full force .. Always ~ I give thanks to all the family that are the master of themselves and are more experienced in all from all perspectives.. therefore able to maintain balance easier an not let little things trouble them.. but for some of us we are still learning to master that art of self ..
Htp wa ashuq Ila antuten xXx (NTP)
- When we fall down, our strength is in the strength we find to help others to stand and realise we still standing too xXx NTP 🙂 BeINenerGy
- Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something. They’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.
- I see shifts happening like a birth of a new life, end of one gestation period into another until eventually we have new life and a new / Anu world. where there is death there is birth signifying end of an old beginning of Anu .. I think all of us beings are being reborn whether we like/ know it or not.. No great change comes without pain and Anu life does not come without the labour of love. Some go through these motions like a ship without a rudder so this transition will be difficult for those to who are closed or resisting change to accept or prepare their mentalities towards organic principles. Some know the direction and guide their own process and knows what to do and when to do it guided by their innate spirit , wisdom and instincts. The fact that many across the globe is concentrating on this date for one reason or another, from one perspective or another , just the power of thought and the philosophy of prophecy generates energies on this day some will be aligning themselves, some with be oblivious and some will just know something but not give energies into discovering themselves enough to make sense of what it is they know.. This is how it is now, this is how it will be tomorrow . whether it is on this plane or another dimension. This can be a similar distinction between the conscious and subconscious. on this journey we are contently at the point of inception , just some of us know it and some will be a residual aura of bio- electric energy of distant past not having a clue? All I know this winter solstice will we a powerful one and very significant. One we will talk about to our children when they ask where was you during this time… It is an exciting time to journey through even if we are only aware of what time it is!! and what time is the only real time that we should be concentrating on.A beautiful concept would be if every day we could surround ourselves with those we would spend our last day with.. Pure love .. and live at peace while standing for universal laws of oneness with All in All ~ As One ~ any day for any of us could be our last. and any time is always a good time to tell someone you love them even if you cant be with them on this day or any day.. lets not live in fear .. lets live in love.. if we do this then there is nothing to fear.. xXx Love you all 🙂 xXx (NTP)
- I give thanks for life lessons.. through our growth process and our awakening we find a level of reality that we resonate with in the moment.. and in that moment we could start to build and construct and remain there until we have a next realisation that results in re shaping what is reality.. realising all was an illusion given through the growth processes of our cognative development.. there is nothing better than life lessons and realisation that is the best aid in our development when all comes to a point to say…ok.. I get it!!! This is where revalations come from… I get it!!
xXx Naomi
- Just a thought? We look in the mirror, we are looking at our future children.. the question is do you like what you see in the mirror? if so, continue on if not ask self what would you change.. from when we become a parent our life no longer belongs to us, it belongs our children with a purpose that will uplift, encourage, nurture, guide .. Love our children and to dedicate all we are into giving them as many mental and physical tools so that they have the ability to continue this path long after we are gone .. Therefore our children do not belong to us, it is we that belongs to them. NTP
- The path of ones ancestors left much responsibility in our hands. their voices so loud yet softly whispered to a point one can loose our own identity? ~ Balance ~ I doubt that one with such a strong connections could escape the whispers of their ancestors. Maybe escape is not the word, sometimes one can get confused with what our ancestors require from us, between the pressure one put on ourselves to think, what would they expect from us then try to fulfill those wishes.~~ Perspective ~~Relax your mind a little enough to know and trust that all you are and are destined to be/do is already encoded, sometimes just simbly BEinG in your energy is exactly what your supposed to do, when your ancestors are coming to you, they come with advice and guidance not necessarily demands and wants, however that is sometimes our interpretation. go with the flow of what comes naturally to you in your heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, All in Alignment, you know the principles, the essence, and the purpose of your ancestry.Sometimes we think sooo much about the destination wanting to do our ancestors justice, it becomes a channeled vision without distraction, in doing this we forget all about the journey it takes to get there, forget to see all the people we met that has become a part of our story, sometimes we just forget about who we are.In all of the above it is the journey that counts for it is what we do on this journey adds to the record of achievement and fulfillment and our contribution to maintenance of the purpose, the essence and the principles.Metaphorically or not, On this journey there are S.E.E.D.S we must plant for our offspring, there are energies we must nurture and/or conclude, to maintain or clear the way so our offspring may plant their seeds. Our life cycles and circles do not stop, they continue on, we are simply a contribution towards the book of life..~~ Reflection ~~My purpose is by no means defined however my essence sees the oneness of all therefore to teach these principles to the younger/ any generation as I write in the book of life, so that the purpose, the essence and the principles are not forgotten. To be as positive as possible in my being to balance out and create equilibrium in the world, environment, community, by first creating it in my mind… Appliance to the spiritual, universal, mystical, metaphysical, down to earth and organic science.. Learning to lead by example to become a master of my own destiny, The journey it self and the awareness is not necessarily something you can teach but one to inspire .. ~ Just expanding on thoughts I had earlier ~ NTP
- I don’t know about any of you personally but from my perspective we are going through some real tests in life. I know for a fact that the things that are affecting the societies here in UK are affecting the societies all over the globe..I have listened to grass roots of conversation from the perspectives of the people who are living the results of the systems be it UK , USA , Africa , Syria , Israel, Arab Springs to Timbucktu to name just a few .. Inequality, the divide and rule concepts, just like the positions in terms of class, economics, tick boxes that have us limited only in order for the system of control, is a great imposition when spiritual energies and human beings are not allowed! first the knowledge or second the freedom to be in their own energy. Human Rights ? Spiritual Rights ?I am guessing all of us here, we used to be rebels without a cause just because our inner being know something is not right within the world, within the system, we see someone hurt but religion and other dividing boxes says we are not allowed to help others because the religion and other dividing boxes says if they are not part of us then they are damned and deserve to suffer, yet our human , spiritual instinct, intellect with he concept we are all and all is we as one , feels the pain of that suffering as if it is we that is suffering that pain, and indeed we are suffering , and our natural instinct is to help release that sufferation in others as indeed we try to release the sufferation within our own self and circumstance..especially the demand craves for us to be able to be in our own energy because the system says we can only be in their system and order, governed by their laws that make them sovereign and all others are members of their public, where the strong give up their strength to become weak within the system .. flipping the script we all have the right to be sovereign and live organically because it is the earth that provides for us not this system. ..I say that we are being tested big time between the analogue and the digital , between the freedom to be self and to be a part of all indeed within the system.. tested by the choices we make. Right and wrong ( By whose perspectives ? says what is right or wrong? )As we get older when we find our cause, our purpose that goes against the rules of this system we come rebels with a cause, sometimes seen as terrorists and more – that needs to be hushed up and quietened down – Locked up and put away, just so the system can maintain its functionality through its isms and schisms. The forces used to maintain this invokes terror on nations and the loss of life in ways that are indescribable for what ,, for the rich man to stay fat while others starve. The only reason why this there is a system like this is because the human beings evolved to steal it , learned of power over people and exploited it to the max ,, and still is exploiting it on a massive scale .. growing every moment , plans to make it bigger until everything is digital and robotic and nothing is natural and left to be cherished like seeds that are grown from its organic principles ..I am not going to say what we need to do ..or what and who we need to be .. or what we should stand for or what direction we should take if anything .However and Ironically we are in the transitioning process between the analogue and the digital , between the organic and artificial .. between man made laws and natural laws .. and so on ..We now have access to knowledge that create change, when we assess this we learn to guide ourselves from our own perspectives , when we tap into the divinity consciousness, universe, cosmos, the black, the ethers, the dimensions of the journey that when tapped into we indeed become the flower of life that is connected and inter connected from many degrees .. maths that we are taught are limited to 360* what about the 720* Inner stand / over stand / as above so below is one spectrum ,, then we think of 1440* all centred at the point of 9… what is the point of learning all this ? if there is not an activation to take place where we put an appliance to the science and stop living in the contradictions of ” IN- almost” and “IN All”..The universal law of correspondence is the mental process from within does explore all outside , inside , far and near , polarities and each spec on infinite spectrum’s during the part when we are in the black box. Dark Matter. The blackness is where our divinity sparks light processes .like stars that are are sparks in manifestation like one big brain cell .. all energy, tones and vibrations we receive is what we see and perceive.Our Cog-native process that is in alignments with other cogs that are native and organic to this thought process even in the law of relativity.. it is in our unity we join the dots and receive the sparks from the darkness we all came from .. the law of correspon-Dance, Dance before dense I feel in the way we move and resonate with energies , tones and vibrations , that correspond, align and share as one ..This is just a perspective upon a waking thought that I would share here .. Thanks for taking the time to read .. I hope it makes sense to Y’all xXx Have a beautiful day , expect it!! (NTP)
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Renee McDade
04/03/2013 - 5:45 pm
I love the flow of information it is so needed in this day and time. Naomi you are indeed a lightworker that has been sent to this planet to help raise the level of consciousness. I know your journey will go far and many lives will be touched and changed for the better by your words. 3/4/2013 ~Renee McDade